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Chessbase 9 Serial Crack: Learn from the Masters with the Best Chess Database and Engine


The program was working fine for the first week or so. Now I frequently get the message, "info: your serial number is not valid" and the entire chessbase program just shuts down." At least it asks me if I want to save before it shuts down.

Chessbase 9 Serial Crack

I'm hoping I get a similar remedy. Thing is, this problem is with the chessbase application on my computer rather than with, and I haven't found any way to enter a serial number in the chessbase application itself. If I had a way, I'd re-enter my serial number to see if that helps.

Anyone know a way to enter the serial number in the chessbase 9 application itself? I know in chessbase light demo, you are asked for an SN every time you try to do something, because it's just the demo until you buy a license. But in CB 9, I've never seen a way to enter the SN.

You can establish or extend your Premium membership by entering a corresponding serial number. You can use the serial number of your ChessBase program (three months Premium), the serial number you received with one of the chess programmes (Fritz 17, Fritz 18, Fat Fritz or Komodo Dragon ...). The serial number of these chess programmes gives you six months of Premium.

The most convenient way is to set up a ChessBase account subscription. And this way you ensure that your ChessBase account is always active and you can access as much as you want. In the ChessBase shop you can easily and quickly set up the subscription:(Premium one-year subscription + 1 month for free (payment method: credit card (

If a serial number is not already present in the text boxes type the number that you received with the program. The serial number can be used to install the program on a maximum of three computers. If you want to install the program on a new computer, or you want to re-install your operating system, you should first deactivate the current registration online.

Your ChessBase account will be activated as a Premium Account immediately after completion of the order (the entry of a serial number is no longer necessary). Payment via credit card, PayPal or immediate bank transfer. The membership ends after 12 months. There will be no automatic renewal.

Order your ChessBase Starter Membership now for a full year! Your ChessBase account will be activated immediately after your order has been completed (you no longer need to enter a serial number). Payment via credit card, PayPal or immediate bank transfer. The membership ends after 12 months. There will be no automatic renewal.

The currency on the chess server Use it to play against grandmasters or to pay for private training. Ducats can only be used with a valid account on playchess (serial number entered). Ducats can also be used to buy ChessBase products.

  • Upgrade nur von CB 7.0 oder 8.0 möglich (nicht von älteren Versionen!). CB7/CB8-Registrierungsnummer bei Bestellung angeben! Die Einsendung der alten Programm-CD ist daher nicht notwendig. ChessBase ist die persönliche Schach-Datenbank, die weltweit zum Standard geworden ist. Und zwar für alle, die Spaß am Schach haben und auch in Zukunft erfolgreich mitspielen wollen. Das gilt für den Weltmeister ebenso wie für den Vereinsspieler oder den Schachfreund von nebenan. Das kann ChessBase: Speichert Partien mit allen Varianten, Text- und Audiokommentaren; zeigt Partien nach Eröffnung, Spieler oder Turnier; erzeugt Turniertabellen, Statistiken zu Spielern und Eröffnungen; fügt Partien zu einer Eröffnungsübersicht zusammen; erstellt Spieler-Dossiers; zeigt Hauptvariante, kritische Variante, Motive und Pläne zu jeder beliebigen Eröffnungsstellung; speichert Varianten der mitgelieferten Analyse-Engines Fritz und Crafty in der Partie ab; sucht nach Materialverteilungen, Stellungen, Manövern und Opferkombinationen; findet Matt, Patt und Schach in Schlussstellungen; klassifiziert Partien nach selbst definierten Mittel- und Endspielstrukturen; druckt Partien oder Eröffnungsübersichten mit Diagrammen im Mehrspaltensatz oder tabellarisch aus, Tabellennotation für das Eröffnungsrepertoire; voll integrierter Zugriff auf die ChessBase-Online Datenbank; automatischer E-Mail-Versand von Stellungen, Partien oder Datenbanken; Verwaltung von Mannschaftskämpfen. Neu in ChessBase 9.0 (nur auf DVD erhältlich!): neuer Datenbank-Browser, Hyperthreading, Tree-Control: Integrierter Index für Spieler, Turniere, Quelle, Kommentator, Mannschaft, neues Schlüssel-Layout, automatische Eröffnungsreferenz, neuer Zuggenerator HEUMAS (Heuristic Move Assistant), HTML Textformat für Datenbanktexte, Partien-History, fotorealistisches 3 D Brett, Drohungs-Animation, verbesserte Suchfunktionen, integriertes Chess Media System, verbesserte Fernschachverwaltung und vieles mehr. Das ChessBase 9.0 Upgrade (auf DVD!) enthält: ChessBase 9.0 Programm

  • Partiendatenbank mit 2,9 Millionen Partien

  • (entspricht Big Database 2005)

  • Fritz 5.32-Engine und Crafty-Engine

  • Spielerdatenbank mit 180.000 Spielern und 20.000 Fotos

  • Video-Trainingslektionen im ChessMediasystem

  • Systemvoraussetzungen: Minimal: Windows 98

  • 64 MB RAM

  • 300 MHz

  • Empfehlung: Windows XP

  • 256 MB RAM

  • 1 GHz oder besser

  • schnelle Grafikkarte für 3D-Brett

  • Windows Media Player 9.0 für ChessMedia System

  • en Upgrades are only offered from versions 7.0 or 8.0. Registration number required, which can be found on the CB7/CB8 jewelcase. Therefore it is not necessary to return old program CDs. ChessBase is a personal, standalone chess database that has become the standard throughout the world. Everyone uses ChessBase, from the World Champion to the amateur next door. It is the program of choice for anyone who loves the game and wants to know more about it. What you can do with ChessBase: Enter, annotate and save games, including variations, text commentary, spoken comments, embedded pictures, soundtracks and even video sequences; analyse position with GM-strength modules Fritz and Crafty (both included); retrieve games according to openings, players and tournaments; generate tournament cross tables and full graphic statistics of players or openings; merge games on-the-fly into an opening tree; generate a player's dossier containing all available information from the database; find the new move in a game with one mouse click; generate a comprehensive openings report with main and critical lines, plans and most important games; search for material distribution, positions and manoeuvres, search for mates and stalemates; classify games according to selfdefined middle and endgame criteria; print games in superb DTP quality with diagrams and multiple columns; easy and direct access to the comprehensive ChessBase online database; freely configurable board and list windows, automatic email transmission of positions, games or databases; management of team championships; intelligent search for tactical themes New in ChessBase 9.0 : New Database Browser, Hyperthreading, Tree control: Integrated Player, Tournament, Source, Annotator and Team Index, New opening key layout, Automatic Opening Reference, New HEUMAS (Heuristic Move Assistant), HTML Support in database text, Game History, Fast Real 3D Board supported, Threat Animation, Improved Search, Chess Media System (teaching videos with synchronized chess boards) integrated, improved correspondence chess features and much, much more... ChessBase 9.0 Upgrade (on DVD) contains: ChessBase 9.0 program

  • Datebase with 2,9 million games

  • (identical with Big Database 2005)

  • Fritz 5.32-Engine and Crafty-Engine

  • Playerdatabase with 180,000 names and 20,000 pictures

  • Training lessons (ChessMediasystem)

  • System Recommendations: Windows XP or better

  • 256 MB RAM

  • 1 GHz or better

  • New Graphics adapter for a fast 3D board

  • Windows Media Player 9.0 for ChessMedia System

Please notice that CB 9.0 is available on DVD only ! Details More Information Weight 1 kg Manufacturer ChessBase Medium DVD Import CBF, CBH, PGN, TXT Export CBF, CBH, PGN Number of games 3.500.000 Required CPU min. Pentium Required HD space 10 MByte Operating System Windows 2000, Windows 95, Windows XP Language English Copy Protection unlimited installations Sound Board Yes Functions analyse game, annotations, automatic replay, correspondence chess administration, ECO-classification, endgame databases, layout configurable, move assistant, online help, position tree, search for doubles, search for names, tournaments etc., search for positions, teaching option, variations Print diagram as graphic, game, game to file Learn More Further information - PDF-file 1MB Specifics de Verwendung mit dem DGT-Brett Es ist nun auch möglich, das DGT-Brett (Version 1.4 oder höher) inkl. der DGT-XL Uhr unter ChessBase 9.0 zu verwenden. Zur Aktivierung benutzten Sie bitte im Brettfenster den Menuepunkt "Extras --> DGT-Brett". en DGT-Board We are pleased to announce that ChessBase 9.0 is now compatible with the DGT Electronic Board (USB or SERIAL version 1.4 or up), and the DGT XL clock. 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